Donations from
Art Patrons
Through out time artists have always appreciated art patrons who are able to provide material support to creators. Patrons understand that being an artist is fundamentally different than other businesses.
We artists are sole creators of what we contribute to society. An artist cannot outsource their creativity to other workers. If an artist becomes sick, or is injured, they are unable to continue bringing in funds to pay for their life.
So having patrons who are willing to provide either one-time or recurring donations helps us tide over rough times.
Like all artists I have had my ups and downs. I have been fortunate to have had periods in my life when steady work helped provide a decent living. But unfortunately, for past several years, I have gone through a period of serious battles with an auto immune disease.
Getting sick in the US is a disaster. Specially long term sickness leaves almost everyone in a major financial hole. I am glad that there is a finally a medicine that helps me manage my autoimmune condition, but it is insanely expensive.
If you enjoyed seeing my art over the years, and would like to contribute to my financial recovery, first I’d humbly ask you to maybe purchase something from the items I have for sale on this website.
But if you still feel you’d like to simply donate some funds instead, then please use the form below to make a one-time or recurring donation. Thank you!
NOTE: For those making donations please know that I deeply appreciate your support. I know you are choosing to donate because you don’t want something in return, but please don’t mind if I end up sending you some gift, such as a card, poster or art print in return to show my appreciation.